Posted on 12/1/2022
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay The Holidays Can Be Hard With December arriving, the autumn weather we’ve been enjoying is now turning into a cold winter. December is a time of collapse, of death, but it’s also a promise of renewal if we trust the seasons. But as the Northern Hemisphere turns icy, some see the glass half-full of winter-y white, while glass-half-empty people will see the world as gray and colorless. Just as people view the weather differently, the joyful holiday season has long been a source of pain to many people. The grieving ones reject the joy of it, feeling that someone is missing from their celebrations. The lonely feel left out or per ... read more
Posted on 11/1/2022
Photo by Benjaminrobyn Jespersen on Unsplash Autumn has come to Bremerton! With November arriving, you and your family might find yourself already pretty occupied with things to do. There’s Thanksgiving near the end of the month, and then the December holidays loom. Travel plans and logistics must be worked out so that everyone feels warm and welcome at our holiday celebrations. So you may be already up to your eyeballs in Pumpkin Spice and cornucopias and other staples of the season. But if you aren’t, or you find yourself with an open weekend before the holidays hit, you might prefer a little getaway into the woods, to see the beauty nature has to offer. Here are some places you and your family might visit ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2022
Image by Hello, Its Me..... from Pixabay The great thing about Halloween is that it gives you permission to scare yourself. That’s the reason for the season: it’s looking at the dying of the harvest and the coming of winter and facing death in a small way, so that we can keep up our spirits for the ride in front of us. After the horror of 9/11, comedy was hitting flat and people were looking for something to bring themselves out of the numb feeling of horror, after realizing, yes, it could happen here. Audiences flocked to see Jeepers Creepers, a film about two siblings encountering a cryptid on the open road in his 1940’s Chevy COE truck. The Halloween s ... read more
Posted on 9/1/2022
Photo by Vladislav Vasilev on Unsplash With September, Summer is finally retreating to make way for another autumn, and all its gorgeous colors. As the weather starts to cool down and the leaves start to change color, it's a good time to think about getting your car ready for the winter ahead of us. One thing you can do to help reassure you and your spouse, as well as protect your family, is to get a tune-up at LK's Auto Repair. Autumn is a great time to get a tune-up: the summer months are over and they can take a big toll on your car. Fluids tend to be drained by the hot summer. And as kids return to school and dart across roads at times, it’s a good idea to make certain your car is ready for whatever l ... read more
Posted on 8/1/2022
Image by NoobInNature NIN from Pixabay How have you been coping this Summer with the heat? And how has your car's air conditioning performing? Is the output refreshing and cooling? Does it help? In case this point has never occurred to you, your vehicle’s AC needs a little TLC. Here at LK's Auto Repair, we'd like to help assist you in maintaining your air conditioner during the hot month of August. Keep reading for tips on how to keep your car cool! One way to keep your air conditioner in good shape is by testing it for potential issues. Try it out in the early morning before the sun heats up the interior of your car and look for leaking, odd smells ... read more