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Monthly Archives: May 2022

The Virtues of Fluid Exchanges

The Virtues of Fluid Exchanges

Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash Fluid Exchanges & Your Car What’s a fluid exchange? And has the car you are driving ever had one?    A fluid exchange is what used to be called a ‘flush’, back in the day. It’s the bleeding out of old fluid, especially that fluid that has collected dirt, gravel, and particles in it, and replacing it with new, fresh fluid. This is done for the coolant, the transmission, the oil, the power steering– any crucial fluids that can see a contaminant buildup over time. While the fluid cannot be made 100% pure (this is why we no longer use the term ‘flush’), it is significantly healthier for your car. How Can a Fluid Exchange Benefit My Car? Your c ... read more



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