It’s 2021, and a vaccine for COVID-19 is being rushed into production as I write this. It may not be very long before life begins to return to what we used to call normal, and people are summoned back to their offices to work under their employers’ scrutiny. Gas prices, which have been low as demand has waned, may rise dramatically again. So getting the most efficiency out of your car may once again prove to be important.
Here are some tips to improve your fuel mileage:
- Pay attention to your tires. Tires out of tread, tires out of alignments, imbalance tires-- these are all factors that can improve your fuel efficiency.
- Take it easy. Driving slower and smoother has big savings for you. Every time your ramp up your RPM accelerating, you’re burning fuel. The less of that you do, the more you’ll save.
- Do not rest your foot on the brake pedal. It sounds odd, but some people do this as a matter of preparedness. Doing so means that you can lightly pressure the brake pads against you own acceleration, like dragging something behind you. Knock this off and you’ll save some money!
- Clean out the cabin and trunk of junk. If you’re carrying stuff around that you don’t imminently need, get rid of it. It’s weighing you down.
Bring your car to LK’s Auto Repair for an inspection. We can usually find problem areas to tell us where you are losing out on fuel efficiency. If you’d like to know about how to change this, just bring your car in and ask, we’re happy to help!
If you think your vehicle is failing to produce the fuel mileage it should, schedule an appointment with LK’s Auto Repair for an inspection! We can be found at 5921 St Hwy 303 NE #100 Bremerton, WA 98311. Click this link to schedule service with us. To know us is to love us.